General medicine is the branch of medicine that focuses on adult care. It refers to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the internal organs. An internist may work with a patient’s heart, lungs and brain, among other organs. These doctors treat illnesses of the internal organs with methods other than surgery.
General medicine doctors are responsible for recording a patient’s symptoms, inquiring about previous diseases, allergies and medication, and asking questions about the patient’s lifestyle choices, including the abuse of cigarettes and alcohol. Our General Physicians are reputed practitioners and competent to diagnose and treat the most complicated medical cases.
The department offers an array of services, right from treating simple fevers, to complicated clinical conditions requiring consolidated attention and referral to proper specialty if required. The hospital boasts of state-of-the-art indoor facilities for patients who require to be admitted. Patients are also seen by the consultants in case of an emergency care centre near Mettupalayam at any time of day or night.
The medical care offered is evidence based. The doctors have a team approach in the management of complicated cases and complex multi-organ medical problems. The department is supported by the hospital NABL accredited Pathology Laboratory, which has the capability of performing routine as well as the most sophisticated tests.
Besides routine examination and diagnosis of diseases, followed by investigation and treatment, all types of fever and infections are also managed by the department. Specialized tests, use of rapid bacterial culture and sensitivity techniques, PCR and other investigation modalities provide the best quality support for diagnosis and treatment.